The global COVID-19 pandemic is a situation unlike any other. Health restrictions and physical distancing guidelines have limited access to supports people would otherwise turn to. Sport and physical activity are an essential component of supporting individual and community wellbeing. As restrictions are lifted and our members begin to return to sport and physical activity, DSC Board of Directors & Staff are expected to make modifications to our operations and settings to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19.
The Dixie Soccer Club adheres to all guidelines and protocols put in place by the Government of Ontario, Peel Public Health, City of Mississauga, and Ontario Soccer. We will continue to work with provincial health authorities and city officials, as well as Ontario Soccer to ensure training and play is safe for all.
Please see below for the DSC COVID-19 Resources:

How often does the pre-screening COVID Symptom checklist need to be completed?
The online checklist is to be completed prior to all participants attending a training session. Participants will not be permitted to enter indoor facility/field area if the checklist has not been completed. Proof of completion is to be presented to field marshal/club staff upon check-in/entry. Checklist link will be provided to all registered participants via email.
As a field marshal, coach/manager, match official, volunteer and/or spectator, do I need to complete the COVID Symptom checklist and/or provide proof of vaccination?
Yes. All team officials, club staff, and/or volunteers are required to complete the Symptom checklist for contact tracing purposes.
Anyone over the age of 18 (players, spectators, etc.) are required by the Government of Ontario and the Dixie Soccer Club to show proof of full vaccination before entering our indoor facility/office for organized team sports.
Exemptions to this rule:
Indoor facilities are exempt from requiring proof of full vaccination for people:
Who are under 12 years of age;
Who are under 18 years of age, and who are entering the indoor premises of our facility used for sports and recreational fitness activities solely for the purpose of actively participating in an organized sport.
Who is a registered participant of the Dixie Soccer Club (i.e., players, match officials, team officials, workers and/or volunteers) who are entering an indoor facility solely for the purpose of participating in indoor soccer activities.
When should I respond to the pre-screening symptom checklist?
Please reply a maximum of one-hour prior to departing for every training session/game. Participants will not be permitted onto the field or indoor facility if a successful checklist response has not been presented to the field marshal/club staff at check-in/entry.
My child suffers from allergies and I am concerned some of the symptoms they suffer will be mistaken for illness.
What should I do?
Let your child’s coach as well as Club rep, Angela Malvaso ( know that they suffer from allergies in advance of training session. Communication is to be done via email.
My child suffers from allergies and always requires a puffer and/or EpiPen. Is it permitted to send medication to the field with my child?
Yes. Medication is to be placed in a clear Ziploc bag with your child’s name written on it and placed inside their backpack and kept in their training area. The team officials should be informed that your child carries medication in their backpack.
Are parents permitted to stay at the training sessions/games?
Outdoor: Yes, parents should remain nearby. Parents should remain in the vehicles in the parking lot, near their vehicles, or on the grounds away from the field. Parents will not be permitted into the field area and are strongly discouraged from congregating around the fence area and entrance/exits points of the field.
Indoor: Only one (1) spectator/guardian, who can provide proof of full vaccination, is allowed within the facility with participants in the U3-U10 programs. Due to indoor facility limits, no spectators will be permitted into the facility for U11-U18 groups.
What will be done if a player suffers an injury?
Injured player(s) will be directed to one of their team officials or to the field marshal for assistance. Whomever is tending to the injured player will have to put on a mask and gloves prior to making contact. Masks and gloves will be available from the Field Marshal/Club Staff.
Should I wear a mask if I am a coach, manager, field marshal, or volunteer?
Outdoor: If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, please feel free to do so. Depending on the setting, you can decide what is best for you. While outdoors, and if you are maintaining social distance, it is not required to wear a mask.
Indoor: Yes. All individuals not participating in a soccer training session/game on the field of play will be mandated to always wear a mask while inside the clubhouse.
Should a player wear a mask?
Outdoor: No. It is not recommended that players wear a mask but can do so if they prefer. Players can wear a mask walking from the parking lot to the field check-in and place the mask in their backpack once on the field. Masks are not to be left on the field.
Indoor: Yes. All registered players must wear a mask when entering/exiting the indoor facility. Masks may be removed once players are on the field of play.
What do I need to do if a player needs to go to the washroom?
Outdoor: The player should be directed to the field marshal/club staff who will contact the parent. Port-o-lets at fields may not be available for use. Further information will be provided once confirmed by the City of Mississauga.
Indoor: Washrooms in the back field area will be available for use for registered participants, and/or coaching staff only.
Will changerooms be available?
No. Changerooms will not be available for use. Players are to arrive at the fieldhouse dressed and ready to play.
What is the protocol if a player, team official, field marshal, or volunteer test positive for COVID-19 or if anyone in the family tests positive for COVID-19?
Immediate contact to Angela Malvaso at as per the Clubs Emergency Response Plan.
Will my coach or the Club notify me if someone tests positive for COVID-19 on my child’s team?
You will not be notified by your coach or manager. Contact tracing protocols are in place so that those who were potentially in close contact with a COVID-19 case will be informed through the proper channels (Club and/or Peel Public Health).
If I am exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, what should I do?
Self isolate and follow public health guidelines
Complete the online self-assessment tool;
Contact Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000
Contact your primary healthcare provider
What should I do if I/player am unwell on a day that my team does not have a training session?
Complete the online self-assessment tool;
If you are advised to report to a self assessment centre to get tested, you are not permitted to attend training until you have received a negative test, have self-isolated for 14 days and have been given clearance by your primary healthcare provider to return to training.